Adventures Of A Traveling Nurse - Hiking the Appalachian Trail, Exploring, and seizing every opportunity with traveling nurse Nicole Hamel

Episode #134: Adventures Of A Traveling Nurse - Hiking the Appalachian Trail, Exploring, and seizing every opportunity with traveling nurse Nicole Hamel

Adventures Of A Traveling Nurse - Hiking the Appalachian Trail, Exploring, and seizing every opportunity with traveling nurse Nicole Hamel

Adventures Of A Traveling Nurse - Hiking the Appalachian Trail, Exploring, and seizing every opportunity with traveling nurse Nicole Hamel

In this episode we interview Nicole Hamel who is a hiker, explorer and traveling nurse. Growing up in Massachusetts, getting outside to ski and snowboard on the White Mountains was a norm. She even hiked Mount Washington at only 6 years old. As Nicole got older, she lost interest in the outdoors - at least until college. A group of friends doing the New Hampshire 48 invited her on a hike. Uncomfortable, out of shape and slow - they didn't invite Nicole on another hike. Little did she know this would spark something within her. She soon found herself hiking regularly, building her strength and always in search of the next trail. Nicole couldn't get enough of how she felt both mentally and physically after a hike. The best part? Being a traveling nurse let her explore new cities, hike new trails and meet new people. The flexibility also allowed her to take months off at a time, which was perfect for her dream of hiking the Appalachian Trail; which she completed in 2022. If you've ever wondered how nursing and adventure can go hand in hand, then this one's for you!

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Life in Motion is brought to you by Actual Outdoors. They help build beautiful brands that highlight the approachable and authentic parts of outdoor recreation. Said simply - they “keep it real”. Find them online at or on Instagram at @actualoutdoors


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