Say hello to our brand ambassadors

Say hello to our brand ambassadors

We thought it only made sense to bring some of our biggest supporters along for the ride, which is why we're excited to announce our new brand ambassadors. Check out their hobbies, favorite trips and more below in a quick Q & A session!

Bronson Allison 

Instagram: @bronsonjamesallison

Current location?

Holmes County Ohio. It has the biggest population of Amish in the United States, so everywhere I go all I see is fields and farms and hills and horse and buggies on the roads. Might seem neat to some people but to me it motivates me to get out and see the world beyond that.


I love to make videos, take photos, play guitar, sing, record music, and workout! They're all outlets for me to express my creativity and let go of some stress.

Favorite adventure, action sports or travel memory?

My favorite adventure so far has been my month long trip in Bali and Malaysia. I went completely alone and had no idea that I would end up getting robbed, break my toe, get arrested by corrupt cops, and almost die in the jungle, but nevertheless it was the ultimate adventure and I would do it all over again in a heart beat! It really taught me what all I’m capable of and opened my eyes to the world beyond where I live!

What’s your bucket list trip?

I love anything tropical so I would love to go to the Maldives someday and stay in an overwater bungalow! Just imagine the drone shots I could get there!

Lauren Hustead

Instagram: @lauren_hustead

Current location?

My high school is in Reeds Spring, but I travel to the MSU campus daily for a Business and Entrepreneurship class. In the fall, I won’t have to make the 45 minute commute back and forth because I’ll be starting college at MSU.


I love to paint and be creative. I also really love to learn new things, I’m a very curious person. I’ve played sports since I was little, but I love tennis and running the most. I work at a boat dock and marina and I love being on the lake even if I’m not working.

Favorite adventure, action sports or travel memory?

This hasn’t happened yet but I know it would be my favorite. I am in the process of deciding to go on a twelve day RV trip across the country, ending up on the west coast.

What’s your bucket list trip?

I’d really like to go to a different country to study abroad. I want to be submerged in a new language, different culture, and beautiful surroundings. It would help me to realize who I truly am and give me insight on what I value in life. I haven’t taken a Spanish class in two years, but I have my eyes set on Spain. We’ll see if that’s still the case in two more years.

Annie Martin

Instagram: @anniemartinofficial

Current location?

Wakefield, NH. I have lived here all my life. This Summer I am planning on moving to Los Angeles, California to follow my dreams as a dancer and traveler. 


Traveling and exploring new places around the states to capture moments in life.  I've also been doing dance and gymnastics since Mommy and Me classes. I want to go farther in them both and become a professional! I'm actually training for the Olympics in gymnastics. Oh and I like singing rap, R&B and pop.

Favorite adventure, action sports or travel memory?

My favorite sport is gymnastics and I love watching my favorite gymnasts and dancers. Oh and I like creating and performing dances! 

What's your bucket list trip? 

I want to travel around the world, inspiring others to follow their dreams. I also want to go to Bora Bora to visit the beaches and cool places there! I also plan on going to New Mexico with my friends, Step Dad, and Mom in April 2018 to visit and to just have fun.

Stephen Baklund

Instagram: @scratchmybaklund

Current location?

I’m living in Phoenix at the moment, studying graphic design at GCU. A lot of people underestimate the desert, and I did too, especially coming from the green, vibrant Seattle environment, but I’ve come to love it here!


I love to do just about anything that will get me outside. I’m an avid rock climber, major bike enthusiast, & little bit of a skater. I write my own music, and love to sing and play guitar. You name it and I’m probably into it, which is exhausting but I love learning new things.

Favorite adventure, action sports or travel memory?

One of my favorite travel memories came from when I was living in Costa Rica working on a Banana farm. The first day of work my host brothers (who all had a bike and spoke no English) told me to meet them at the farm and rode off down the dirt road. I realized that I was supposed to ride the horse tied up in front of the house. (Bareback, and I’d never even sat on a horse). It was slow going, but I got the hang of it and that horse became my daily commuter!

What's your bucket list trip?

My bucket list trip is to sail from Seattle down the west coast to Central America with my buddies. We would buy motorcycles and travel to some of the mountainous regions on a climbing expedition, then take the boat through the Panama Canal and end up in in the gulf, ultimately in Cuba then the Dominican Republic.

Sydney Beckett

Instagram: @sydney.beckett

Current location?

I live in a small town outside of Seattle, WA, in the foothills of the Cascades. I love where I live, the mountains are right outside my door. 


I love spending time with the homies and I'm down for anything outside. I love snowboarding, hiking, backpacking, and rock climbing. I'm also into photography and drawing. 

Favorite adventure, action sports or travel memory?

Picking a favorite adventure is definitely a hard one, but I'd have to say either this backpack trip I did with my brother in the North Cascades up the Sahale Arm or this one super crazy pow day this past winter with @rachelkent7 

What's your bucket list trip?

Well, my bucket list is getting pretty long, but the dream would be to combine most of it and just dirt bag it around the US and Canada and snowboard in the winter and rock climb and backpack all summer. 

Bailey Wright 

Instagram: @baileywrong

Current location?

I live in Springfield, Missouri currently but will be moving to Northwest Arkansas (NWA) this fall. I’m originally from Arkansas so I’m happy to be returning to the area. It’s great for all things outdoors, the towns are huge supporters of the arts, and everyone from NWA is proud to be from NWA. It’s all around my ideal place to live. 


My main hobby is trip planning and traveling. I love scanning for travel deals and finding things to do in new places. I’m also a huge family person so I love going on hikes with my brothers. 

Favorite adventure, action sports or travel memory?

I've had the pleasure of seeing a lot of stuff all over the world but I think one of my favorite adventures was waking up hours before sunrise in Maui and driving to the top of one of the volcanoes to watch the sunrise. By the time we reached the top, we had risen passed the cloud level and got to watch the sun rise over the clouds that day. It was truly something I’ll never forget.

What's your bucket list trip?

My “bucket list trip” or rather, my next big trip I hope to have, will be to Iceland. I’ve been fixated on going ever since seeing Walter Mitty. I would love to make the trip with my brother and our closest friends. 

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